EPIC Youth - Youth Work

EPIC Youth has an approach of voluntary involvement of young people.

The four corner stones of youth work, Education, Empowerment, Participation and Equality of Opportunity underpin our work with young people. These can be delivered in a variety of settings including centred based, detached, mobile provision, schools and residential work.

As Youth Workers EPIC Youth have a commitment to:

bullet Treat young people with respect
bullet Respect and promote young peoples rights to make their own decisions and choices.
bullet Promote and ensure the welfare and safety of young people.
bullet Contribute towards the promotion of social justice for young people.
bullet Recognise the boundaries between personal and professional life.
bullet Recognise the need to be accountable to young people, their parents or guardians.
bullet Develop and maintain the required skills and competence to do the job.


(Ethical Conduct in Youth Work, The National Youth Agency, 2004)